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Buy Banner Advertising Placement

Publicación de Banners Publicitarios
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A rather eye-catching way to get qualified traffic to your website is through banner advertising. We offer our website so you can place your banner.

When a visitor is attracted by your message and image from your banner it is more likely that they will click on your advertising. Therefore, your banner is displayed through our extensive network within the desired niche and the required country or geographical region, so that if someone looks interesting your banner will click if they want to know more about your offer.

NOTE: Depending on how eye-catching your banner is, it may affect the CTR, since our job is to provide impressions so that it is exposed to a wide audience, but it is up to the visitor to click or not, which in turn turns it into qualified traffic, only the interested party will click.

Ad Spaces Available:
  • Header
  • Page Body
  • Footer

Possible Banner Sizes:
  • 120x600 px
  • 160x600 px
  • 300x250 px
  • 468x60 px
  • 728x90 px
  • 1000x290 px

* Avoid visually offensive or malicious content

Countries and Geographical Areas:

Hispanic market in spanish language and global market in english language ( These 2 languages are the official ones in our website)

  1. Education
  2. Entertainment
  3. Home and Family
  4. Internet and Marketing
  5. Legal
  6. Fashion
  7. Business and Finance
  8. Hobbies
  9. Health and Beauty
  10. Technology
  11. Travel
For this work we generally request:.
  • 1 URL of your website
  • 1 URL of your banner image or attach file

* Note: banners are displayed on all pages referenced above in the offer, limited only to where there is no active user session.
Got Questions?
Chat for support thru Telegram @CheradaSupport
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Add Extras to your Service:


EXTRA: Homepage Header Banner


Expected delivery: 1 days
Comprar Ahora
- Homepage Header Banner
- Monthly Subscription

EXTRA: Page Body Banner


Expected delivery: 1 days
Comprar Ahora
- Page Body Banner
- Monthly Subscription

EXTRA: Footer Banner


Expected delivery: 1 days
Comprar Ahora
- Footer Banner
- Monthly Subscription

EXTRA: Sitewide Header Banner


Expected delivery: 1 days
Comprar Ahora
- Header banner on all webpages
- Monthly Subscription

EXTRA: Sitewide Body Page Banner


Expected delivery: 1 days
Comprar Ahora
- Sitewide Body Page Banner
- Monthly Subscription

EXTRA: Sitewide Footer Banner


Expected delivery: 1 days
Comprar Ahora
- Sitewide Footer Banner
- Monthly Subscription

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