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Buy Guest Posts on Niche Web 2.0 Sites

Guest Posts en Sitios de Nicho Web 2.0
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Now you have the opportunity to appear on the home page for a long time on a blog 2.0 website dedicated to the niche of your business and that enjoys excellent metrics. We publish custom-made, unique and original content to place your links and keywords.
Welcome to a perfect strategy tailored to publish original and unique content, within a web 2.0 site with excellent metrics and relevant to the niche or industry in which your business operates.

Which websites 2.0?

We are talking about blogs dedicated to a single topic, niche or industry, with enough time to exist, therefore, with good metrics in terms of Domain Authority (DA) , Page Authority (PA), Trust Flow (TF), offered by renowned platforms and authority on the web as:
  • Tumblr
  • Jigsy
  • Overblog
  • Blogspot
  • Weebly
  • ... among others
Advantages of Posting Content and Backlinks
  • More Link Juice, your content and backlinks are in Home Page
  • Excellent Metrics in Home Page ( DA, PA, TF, DR, UR )
  • Under OBL ( Outbound Links ), minimum 10 - maximum 20 posts per homepage
  • Long duration of stay on the front page
  • Only 1 backlink per post ( pointing to "money site" )
  • We drive the page metrics of your blog post
  • Original content tailored to your topic, product, service or business
  • Web 2 blogs 2.0 in English with content in English
  • Detailed report with follow-up of improvement of metrics of your posts
The most economic option to publish content in pages dedicated to the niche or industry in which your business or project is located on the web. Cheaper than sponsored posts or guest posts, cheaper than creating your own private blog network ( PBN ). And, best of all, we are dedicated to creating 100% unique and original content in English for each blog where we will publish your backlinks.

Hire now and experience for yourself all these advantages of publishing original content on pages with excellent front page metrics where your backlinks will appear and, apart from that, the post page itself will see how its metrics ( PA, TF, UR ) are improved.

We accept all niches. Yes. ALL!

Super Flexible Plan

Our basic offer consists in 5000 words of content distributed in writing 10 articles of 500 words to publish them with your backlinks in 10 different websites dedicated to the niche or industry of your business or project. And, we also offer the flexibility to write more extensive content for you; for example, for every 500 words we publish 1 link to your website, so if we write content of 1000 words we can place 2 links or 4 links if it is 2000 words, with the package you hire today we can make combinations like these:

  • 10 posts of 500 words ( published in 10 different web 2.0 sites )
  • 5 posts of 1000 words ( published in 5 different web 2.0 sites )
  • 2 posts of 2000 words and 1 of 500 ( published in 3 different web 2.0 sites )
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